Thursday, July 31, 2008

Teens and Learning To Cook

Since I dislike cooking, especially meat, I often have D cook any meat part of a meal. Big A and D both like seafood, especially shrimp - I used to be a big fan of seafood, my birthday meal was always lobster. Now I don't really want to eat it and I never did cook it. Fish doesn't bother me as much, I love salmon and so do both the boys and the grandbabies. Anything we make here is simple, this recipe for Grilled Salmon from Sea-Ex is easy enough for even us!

1 500g Salmon fillet
1/4 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon grated lime rind
1/4 cup lime juice 4 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 tsp each salt and pepper

Slice salmon into 4 pieces. In shallow glass dish, whisk together remaining ingredients. Add fillets. Turn to coat evenly. Cover and marinate in fridge up to 30 minutes, turning occasionally. Reserving marinade, place fish, skin side down, on greased grill over medium high heat; cook, basting frequently for 10 minutes per inch. Turn over once halfway through. Fish will flake easily when tested with fork.

Big A used to watch cooking shows on TV as a teen, D is getting interested too because he's a teenage boy - FOOD is the main point of life. And another brother (Ky) is a chef in a restaurant in CA. In just a couple of days there will be a Cook off in Louisiana, isn't that where everyone thinks of for seafood? My poor boys like jambalaya but all they know is the kind that comes out of a box! I'm glad they'll have a chance to see all the different possibilities. I also like the fact that they see food from our own country used. We should encourage (in my opinion) keeping our oceans, rivers, and land healthy enough to provide our own food, I like knowing our food is local and fresh. D and his friend have caught trout in our local rivers and proudly cooked up lunch. It's wonderful to know we can provide for ourselves in America. Safer too. This cook off feels like a celebration of America to me!
By the way, anyone who has a simple (let me repeat that - SIMPLE) recipe for a young teen to make using shrimp especially, let me know. If it has easy variations that change the taste a bit that would be great, I can't help him at all with that. If you're a great cook, maybe you ought to try submitting a dish for the cook off!