Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Snow, snow, wonderful snow!

This is great. D's friend Billy Bob (he told me he wants that to be his name on here, he actually had three names but I don't remember the third) came over for a couple of hours last night and the boys went outside! My family really needs winter. Snow sucked D right out the door, the boys dug a hole in the pile the snow plow left, worked on the igloo D is building, climbed a snow-laden, icy tree (that one isn't my favorite), and just spent time outdoors being BOYS.
I keep going outside myself "just for a walk", I LOVE SNOW and COLD WEATHER. Driving in snow is a different matter altogether, that I don't like at all. But if that has to be part of it, I'll deal.
Really, there's all this building material all over the ground just waiting to play with. I can shape a mountain lion, so what if it's recognizable only to me? I can build a snowman, a little scene, a fort, an igloo, anything I can think of! We've made paths to play tag, we eat it, throw it, it's so much fun. It would be funny to build a scene out of Calvin and Hobbes but that so far has been too ambitious for us!
Anyone done that before? Built a Calvin and Hobbes scene?